Friday, October 9, 2015

Crazy End to Crazy Week...

We had a blast today with our special visitors this afternoon.  We had the privilege of Jentry's dad coming in with his firefighter co-workers to talk to us about fire safety.  We learned about ways to stay safe and we even got to try on firefighter gear.  

Thank you again to the Roseville Fire Department for coming in and talking with us about fire safety.  We had lots of fun! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

PAJAMA DAY!!  The kids loved pajama day today! 

We also practiced our Stop, Drop, and Roll outside!! It was beautiful weather for it.  We did look super silly in our pajamas though. :)

And to end our day we had Adam's mom come in to present our Art Lesson this month.  We learned about Renoir.  The kids got to create their own flower picture using a tearing method.  Picture of that to come soon!! 

We will be working with fire safety tomorrow!! This week has been super busy!! Keep checking in for more updates!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy October Already...

Time is flying by...

We have been learning about apples, a little about pumpkins and we are focusing on fire safety this week. We had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. 

 We had lots of fun and even got to take home our very own pumpkin!!

Then we learned new math centers for October.  The kids love the Halloween sticker station and the pumpkin seed counting.  

Today was dress up like a princess or a superhero and our class had lots of fun with it.  We had a couple pretty princesses and lots of superheroes.  

Cannot wait to see what pajama day looks like tomorrow!!