Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Fun...

Here are different shots of us on our last day of 2015!  We had a blast at our Christmas party!  Thank you to the wonderful parents who came in and helped as well as the parents who sent things into the classroom for us to enjoy!!  

We also had a great time looking through our stockings and seeing how generous our friends are in our classroom.  Everyone was able to pass out treats to each other!  They loved seeing the fun toys, treats, and even books that were handed out!  Thank you to the parents again for helping your child bring something in! 

Thank you again and MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Gingerbread Boy Decorating

We read the story The Gingerbread Boy and talked about the characters.  We also retold the story many different ways.  After completing our assessment about the retelling, the kids were able to decorate and eat a gingerbread boy or girl.  

The kids had a blast and enjoyed a treat!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Program

We had an awesome Christmas program on the 9th! Thank you to all the parents who came out and watched!  The kids had been working extra hard learning the songs and practicing!