Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Monday!  

We had a nice normal week last week.  No early outs, time to catch up on lots of things.  We had lots of fun learning our new songs for the letters of the week.  Parents, you might become unknowingly addicted to them. :) We had visitors to our classroom on Friday for Service and Remembrance Day. They read us a book and played us a song to go with it.  The song was America the Beautiful and the book was the same with pictures to match the lyrics.  They were from the college! 
We were great listeners.  

Earlier in the week we worked extra hard on our shapes books.  Learning about shapes is hard work.  

After our visitors from the college on Friday, we had a special first grader come and visit our room.  She spent her hard-earned star tickets on a visit to our class to read us a book.  Liberty, William's older sister, came and read Sam is Lost.  She is a great reader and we all hope to be just as awesome as her someday.  

To end our week, we had Trey's birthday.  We celebrated with a gonoodle song and singing to him.  He even brought some cookies for the class.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Whew... has time flown!

Sorry for the lack of updating... It has been a busy, hot, and tiring couple of weeks for all of us! We have been super busy in the classroom working on big Kindergarten things!  It is fun to watch students figure out how to do something and then follow the routine every day! :)

The first couple of days were a whirlwind and didn't get too many pictures but there are some fun ones. It has also been pretty hard to get pictures this week due to the many, many early dismissals due to heat! Stay cool!!

Here is our first day photo!  Everyone had their permission slip returned to have pictures on here but one. So he is our fancy star! :)  We look so happy!

After our first day we were introduced to our monster on  His name is Squeaky LaRoo!  He was small to start but we are slowly making him bigger!  Here is an action shot of us dancing with him.  If you have a chance you should check out our gonoodle monster at The more parents that check ours out, the more prizes we get for our classroom!

We also did some math stations around the classroom with different math manipulatives last week.  Here  are some shots of us working hard at them.

We will continue taking pictures and hopefully I will remember to get them up here in a timely fashion!

Thanks and stay cool!